Assessment at 15 months to 18 months Personal Social
1. Your child can indicate what he wants without crying or whining. He may do this by pinting, pulling and making speech-like sounds. (Indicates wants by gestures) 13.5
2. When you are doing housework, the child copies what you are doing. (Imitates household activities) 16
. Your child can hold a regular cup himself and drink from it without spilling much. The cup should not have a spout. (Drinks from a cup) 18.5
很早就会直接拿着杯子喝水和果汁了。Fine Motor-Adaptive4. Your child can pick up a small object like a raisin, using only the ends of his thumbs and index finger. (Pincer grasp) 13.5
5. Your child can make purposeful markings on the paper when you give him a pencil. (Scribbles) 16
6. Your child can put 2 or more blocks one on top of the other, without the blocks falling. This applies to small blocks of about one inch square in size. (Builds a tower of 2 cubes) 17
7. Your chuld uses the word “papa” and “mama” specifically. (Says papa/mama specifically) 14.5
8. Without coaching, pointing or helping, your child can point to at least 2 parts of his body such as nose, eyes, ears, hands, hair, legs and stomach, when asked. (Pointes to own body – 2 parts) 19
9. Your child can say at least three words other than “papa/mama”, which means the same things each time he uses them. (say 3 words other than papa/mama) 21
Cross Motor
10. Your child can stand alone, without having to hold on to something, for ten seconds or more. (Stands alone) 14.5
11. Your child can walk well with good balance, rarely falls and does not sway from side to side. (Walks well) 16
12.Your child can walk up several steps o fthe staircase by himself. He may use the wall or rail for support but not hold on to a person. (Walks up psteps) 21.5